Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy Halloween: Sing or play!

Here are the videos that we recorded on Halloween, the children had to prepare a one minute role play or a song, here are the results:

We are monsters...

Happy Halloween!

Here is the monster!

Monsters High La Fuente

No happy Halloween :-(

Go away!

Who took the candy?

Thriller (our way)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

UNIT 3: OUR HISTORY (Life in primitive times)


In the 4th course of primary we have started learning about our History, there are so many questions that are to be answered that most of the children feel they need more information:

1. Life in primitive times

Y también en español y con un poquito de nostalgia :-), 

El hombre de Cromagnon, mejor nombrado HOMO SAPIENS:

La importancia de la agricultura:

Saturday, November 15, 2014